Preparedness is a Change

Change has played a huge part not only for human but for the entire universe. The role of change is to achieve an even better path for us to get a better future.
            Filipinos are always not prepared for any disaster. Disaster have been causing lots of trouble. Almost seventy percent properties have been damaged when a disaster came. Disaster doesn't pick its victims.  Many people lost their lives In order for us to be safe, everyone should always be ready and prepared. Nobody knows when a disaster will happen. Disasters come unexpectedly.  Everyone must know the emergency hotlines so that when you need help, they will rescue you as soon as possible. Always prepare those emergency kit, survival kit and first aid kit. We should always be prepared, and also, ready to move on from its destruction.
            Change is one thing you can count on. We hear this over and over again because change is the only constant in life.
