The REAL Heroes

          Teaching is the most influential job in the world. Teachers are known to shape the mind of the youth and without knowledge no one can exist in this world. Teacher imparts good value in children and turn them into responsible citizens. So, almost every country celebrates Teachers’ Day.

          Teachers’ Day is certainly the day which offer a respite from the mundane school routine and gives the opportunity to indulge in light joyful activities. It is a great time to strengthen the student-teacher bonding. Every school comes up with different activities to celebrate this special day. There are many ways to celebrate Teachers’ Day. It is student from the senior wing who take initiative to decide how it should be celebrated in school while the teachers relax and enjoy the celebration.

          This is celebrated to express our gratitude and pay respect. Teachers work hard continually to nurture us, students. They encourage us to take part in any activities for our all-round development. They do their best to help us evolve. 

          Teachers’ Day is thus an important day in life of a teacher as well as the student. It is a day when the efforts and hard work of the teachers are appreciated and applauded. They need to feel that they’re special and we are so thankful for them.

