Unite for Peace

          The time has come again for the United Nations Month Celebration which is an annual month-long series of events held throughout October to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the UN charter. It was officially established on October 24, 1945. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Indigenous Languages Matter for Sustainable Development, Peace Building and Reconciliation”

          Languages play a crucial role in the daily lives of people, not only as a tool for communication, education, social integration and development, but as a repository for each person's unique identity, cultural history, traditions, and memory. But despite their immense value, languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate. 

          In order to keep the partnership alive, yearly celebration happens among the countries that is belong with the UN. In every school here in the Philippines various activities is being conducted. The parade of costumes and different flags of the countries belong with the UN is maybe the most popular one.

