Change: It Starts With Me!!

          Many people wants to have someone to serve and be the model and motivator in their life. They want someone who they thought could change everything the don't want in their lives. well in fact, we should start a change within ourselves to achieve the change that we want.

          You must be the change you want to see in this world. If you change, even a little change, you will change the world. If you can change those bad habits and bad attitudes with yourself, you can do good things and you can do things and you can inspire others to be like you. If you change how you think, then you will change what you feel and what actions you take. And so the world around you will change.

          I can say that I am the role model of myself because I know that no one can help me to get where I want to go but myself. I inspire myself  to do and be better in what I do. I've learned a lot of things form the people around me and the mistakes I've made. You must start the change with yourself so that people will be inspired and change for themselves also.
