End of the Chapter

     I don't know how to start this. I ain't ready to say goodbye yet. Making this last blog is like saying goodbye to my home, MaxConi. Saying goodbye to the family I used to be with for four years was never easy. 

     As I entered high school, I was thinking that it would be hard for me to make friends because I knew that I have some bad attitude and a little bit wa
r freak.

     On the first day when I was in grade 7, I've met beautiful, handsome and intelligent people. It was hard for me to adjust especially on the first week but as time goes by, we became comfortable with each other. Our day wouldn't be complete if Ma'am Rapada won't scold us. Let me enumerate some memories we've made. Can you still remember when the other section tried to watch our jingle during our practice? Then we argued with them because we thought they would copy ours. How about our "I will not budge"? Our sound trip during lunch break? And the rounds before the soundtrip because we wanted to see our crush? Our team work during exams? Aristotleians, Thank you! 
     At first, I don't want my section Leeuwenhoek because we were shuffled. I don't want those who came from Armstrong but then I've realized that first impressions won't last. We became comfortable with each other again and I never thought that it would be like Aristotle. This school year, we've encountered a lot of problems which made us realized that we should think first before doing anything. Our adviser, Mr. Rabang didn't leave us alone. We faced those problems with him and we were so thankful for that. 

     Grade 9, i felt the same feeling. I never thought this year that I would be in another group again. All in all, this grade level had a lot of memories made. During our pm shift, we played games like what children usually do. Our thematic projects made our unity stronger.  

        Last year, my Marconi. We've shared a lot of things together. A lot of things that had happened for a reason. We may not be the best section according to our teachers, atleast we all knew that we're doing our best and we're helping each other. A lot of issues had challenged us but we never let those issues ruin us. Together, long we reign,MARCONI!!!

     To my MaxConi fam, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! You made my high school life memorable! You never fail to make me happy. I don't know how would I be on Senior High School. Room will never be the same without you. Being comfortable with you guys is really different. I'll surely miss you all. You will forever be in my heart! Thank you for the memories and everything!!!

     To my RSF and Bashit, thank you for understanding me. You guys are the best!! I love you all! Goodluck on our nextt journey!! 

  To the person who never left me through ups and downs, Thank you very much!! Thank you for the life lessons you've told me which I applied thoughout the years since I knew you. You are loved, cared and appreciated by me!! THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!!!

    TO THE TEACHERS, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING MA'AMS AND SIRS!!! From Special Science Class Batch '19-'20!!
