Human rights are the rights that all people are supposed to enjoy as human beings. All people are entitled to equal human rights regardless of gender, race, and place of residence, religious affiliation, language, or nationality. Human rights are universal in nature, to mean that they are applicable in every part of the universe to anyone. No person can or should be denied by their rights. There are many human rights such as the right to association, education, basic needs, to live, and many more. 

          The topic of whether men or women should have equal human rights has been at the center of controversy in many parts of the world. Human beings are equal regardless of gender or race. Therefore, both men and women deserve equal rights since they are similar in all aspects. Women and men are entitled to freedom from torture and downgrading treatment. It is incredibly sad that in some areas of the world, discrimination is still happening. The right to ownership of assets is disregarded on a gender basis. Freedom of movement in and out of a nation is another fundamental right that has been denied to women by gender. The right to democracy and participation in elections has also been disregarded to women on a gender basis. 

          Both men and women are entitled to equal treatment. Therefore, human rights should be upheld at all times irrespective of gender. It is worthy to mention that there has been a significant improvement in the protection of human rights in the recent past in most areas of the world. Also, always remember this: If you want to be respected, respect others too. Be kind to everyone around you.

Photo from: https://www.google.com/search?q=vaw&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPcDQS8AwU2Ov68F5INsqufRlgVA:1577943657958&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj38tSZmuTmAhXUxIsBHaWiA6UQ_AUoAXoECBAQAw&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=by5l_2jxhKXnhM:
