Kannawidan Fiestival

  The province of Ilocos Sur has recently celebrated its Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. Kannawidan is an Ilocano term meaning feast of rich heritage and culture. Kannawidan means traditions and this province got to showcase all what she has. Kannawidan is a place showcasing talents, brains, beauties, and creative hospitality that we are Filipinos especially Ilocano’s have.

     We all know that the Ylocos Region is very rich in many aspects. The Ylocos Region is unique among other regions because of its extraordinary historical events. In kannawidan, we can see unique delicacies from other towns, we can see also the literary works Ilocanos, tradition and culture of Ilocanos and the "one town, one product" or the (otop). Visiting kannawidan was a great, you can learn a lot there.Kannawidan Festival celebrates and preserves the culture, customs and tradition of Ilocanos.This festivity has a great impact to the people for it shows how their province live and lines. Kannawidan is also an evidence that the ilocano  is rich in cultures and traditions.

     It is the Ilocanos' way of giving thanks to the Almighty not only for the bountiful blessings but also for the rich heritage of the city, including the close family ties among the Ilocanos. This event showcases the deep-rooted religiosity of the townsfolk.

