Christ; The True Spirit of Christmas

          Christmas is said to be the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is the time we deck halls with boughs of holly and spread joy and happiness everywhere we go. For some, this might be true, but for others it's a whole different story. From spending the holidays with their love ones to having a lonely night at a club, each person celebrates Christmas in their own special way. 

          "Christmas is more than just a day of stuffing your face and getting over expensive gifts, it's about realizing something you never thought of the past year." At some point, we are missing the true essence of Christmas. With all the attention to material gifts and Santa Claus, we miss what is truly important. Christmas is certainly more than these. Jesus is the essence of Christmas for maximum celebration. Christmas is a time to appreciate God for sending His son to us. Also, it is a time to examine our stand with God and our relationship with Jesus. Furthermore, it is a time to share God's goodness and the good news with others. 

          Christmas is not all about merry-making. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs & dances, beautiful friends & family members we would come across this season, let's try not to forget about the child, born on a winter night so cold, whose bed was made only of hay & animal food; our lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine & unconditional love is.

