New Year, New Beginnings!

                Another year has passed. A lot of bad memories that had happened. It’s time tom open the book for a new beginning. A new year for a new chapter of our life.

                Last year was really tough. I had faced a lot of problems which made me stronger than before. I’ve made some bad decisions for myself. I was too friendly and my friends made me happy but I was taken for granted. After they got what they want, they left me alone.

                I’ve met a lot of temporary people who left lessons for me; people who made me feel worthless and useless even if I’m not. People who talked behind my back even if I didn’t do anything from them, and people who only know me when they need something from me. Those situations made me realized that I should never settle for less because I deserve more. I should not choose temporary things for temporary happiness only.

                There are really too much temporaries in our lives and it’s time for me to close the book that had hurt me. It’s time to open the new chapter in a new story.



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