Pandemic Ka Lang, I am Filipino

        Coronavirus has been one of the worst problems we are facing right now. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus are experiencing mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

        Everyone were forced to stay at home and minimize the movement in order to prevent the spreading of the virus. A lot of Filipinos had lost their jobs because some businesses were also forced to close. There are families who suffered from hunger because they don’t have enough money and wasn’t prepared. Some people acquired the virus due to lack of nutrients in their bodies, which leads to rapid increase of Covid-19 cases.

        We can fight the virus from preventing the spread of it. Everyone must go out only when needed. Always observe social distancing and proper hygiene. Always wear mask and sanitize every time. These are some of the things that we need to do which can help to prevent the spread of the virus.

        Even though we don’t know when this will end, Filipinos are still fighting. We’ll face this pandemic until it’s over. We keep helping each other and won’t give up. We won’t let this pandemic end our lives, instead we’ll make pandemic end itself. The most powerful thing that everyone can do right now is to pray. Let’s trust His plans for us and wait until everything will go back to normal again. I can say, “Pandemic ka lang, we are Filipinos”.

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